Degu Place


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Before having your degus reproduct you must tink about some important tings.
  • Once babies born, where will you put them?

You can not keep all those cute babies, because in a few months you will have so many you wont be able to count them.

  • After my female will have her babies, what will I do?

Just after your female got her babies, the male can make her pregnant. The mother could get tierd. I dont recomand that your degu has more then 3 bunch of babies in a year. Also, if u keep the male with the female, the father could hurt babies. (I never saw of those cases but it could happend.)

  Solution: You coul tink of an other cage for the kids and mother.

How to sex degus


The picture of the top represents the male.
The picture of the bottom is a female.
How can I see that?
Well, sexing a degu is difficult but possible. What makes the difference between a male and a female is the space between his 2 organs. When theres almost no space between them, its a female. When the 2 organs are far from  each other, your sexing a male. 

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