Degu Place


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'' What a sociable animal!''

I must talk about some important informations about degus, what do they look like, how long they live, what do they like. We never know enough about them!


Thats what a Degu looks like

It is cute aint it?

A degu?! whats that?

Describe a degu is very difficult because they are often compared to other rodents. Even tho, they have their own look. They have brown and gray fur, dark hairs, they have a tail with a little floss of hair at his tip.  The octodon is bigger than a gerbil but smaller than a rat. They also are realy nimble with their fron paws. They use them to hold food or pick up objects.

How long do they live?
Usualy, a wild degu lives about 4-5 years. But in captivity, they can live to 8 years. Its depends on how much we take care of them.


Degus are really sociable animals . When you put a new member in their cage, they usualy become his friend quicly. But by experience, I can say that females degus can deal better with other ocotdons then males does. 
  • Male with female = Reproduction
  • Male with male =  fight
  • Female with female = affiliation
             Those are most current situations. But all the degus don't have the same behaviour and personality.  

 I sugess you put your 2 degus together when they are young so they can get along together.