Degu Place


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'' More your degu's cage is big, more they are happy''

The Cage

A degu's cage should be large and spacious. I recommend a big glass aquarium with a metal cover or a normal cage. But the best of it, is to put  a aquarium at the bottom and a cage at the top! So they can climb and move as they want. I also recomend that because air doesent circulate well in a aquarium, and a metal cage is rarely enough big.  

In the cage
Some tings are really important in a cage. A cage must at least contain :
  • Some wood sticks
  • A little house or box for them to hide
  • Some food and water
  • A good ait circulation
  • Alot of pine shavings at the bottom (essencial)

You can also get some toys or mini wood shelfs in a pet shop, but those are only extras.



Other animals?

Dont put your degu's cage where sum hungry animals could eat them as a snack!

A cat; Size=240 pixels wide

So where should I put it?
There a some tings you must know before deciding where you will place the cage.
  • Away from other animals
  • Away from direct sun shine
  • The place must be warm. If its to cold, your degus will get sick.
  • Do not put them on the floor so they dont only see your foots. Or els, they'll never be able to reconize you.

Those are some of the bacis rules but if you have any other questions just ask me. Chosing a place for a degu's cage is important!