Degu Place


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Site Resume


I made this site for people that want more information before having a degu. I tink its really important to know all of it before buying one.  I also wanted to do it for people that already got degus. For those people to take good care of their octodon.

My Experience?

I hope you found what you needed on this site. You can also ask me any questions on guiney pigs and hamsters. I would be very happy to answer every single e-mail I'll receive.

I love rodents. Thats why i made that site. I tink that alot of people dont exactly now what they are and they judge them. I realized that making a site was a lot of work but that it worth it.
I resived e-mails from degu owners or futurs owners. Some were asking me questions other just wanted to chat. I am very  happy to know that some poeple share the same passion as me.